Many people have pointed out that I have been neglecting my blog. However, I am now getting back to work.
Most of you know that I was in a pretty wild car wreck and that I have been popping pills like a hypochondriac for the past 9 weeks. I tried to write during that time but the pain med's really messed with my head and made it impossible to write anything. Well, I have been off the pain med's for about two weeks and I think I am ready to get back to writing.
I have missed it! During the past two months I have had lots of time to think. The result is a head full of ideas that are lining up to get out and fill up a blank page. Also, I have been listening to some of my favorite podcasts. The result? MORE IDEAS!
On a side note, if you have not fallen in love with podcasts then you really must give them a try. Here are a few of my favorites:
- Writing Excuses (Sci-fi and Fantasy writing podcast that discusses everything possible that is useful to an aspiring author)
- I Should be Writing (A podcast that takes a different perspective about writing by interviewing current authors and getting their perspectives)
- A Way with Words (Just a great podcast that discusses words, phrases, structure and etymology of words)
Due to the length of time I had to ponder and many tidbits of advice I received from the above podcasts I'm not going to just go back to writing my novel. I have also begun a personal study of the art of poetry and the short story form. Universally, those who I have talked with, and listened to, recommend the study of these two forms as a way to improve your overall writing skills; even for a novelist. So, I'm jumping in with both feet.
I will most likely be posting my attempts at poetry and short story here on the blog so keep a lookout for those. Also, a friend of mine, Chris Younkin, is going to begin posting a weekly chapter to a short story on his blog pretty soon. I will most likely be linking to that. He is crazy-creative so I'm anticipating that it will be terribly enjoyable.
Lastly, a quick family update. I celebrated my eighth anniversary with my wonderful wife, Rebekah, this past week. Eight years! I am still a little shocked at how fast time passes. I got her something that she has wanted for several years now. We just got it in the mail yesterday. A full-fledged lighting setup for an indoor photography studio. I think she is pretty excited about it. She got me one of my new favorite shows on DVD. Burn Notice season 2. If you haven't yet been introduced to that show you have got to check it out. The writing on it is wonderfully entertaining. Definitely something to watch and hopefully use to improve your writing style.
The kids are doing great. Parker is three and a totally hyper little man who is WAY too smart. Grant has been working on getting lots of teeth, so he has not been terribly happy. But despite it all the child is all smiles and giggles. God has certainly blessed Rebekah and I will fantastic children. I will pop a few pics of them up here soon.
Anyway, have a great week!